Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alone in a crowded home

Silence grips me from within
spreads through my hollow soul
Darkness rejoices unabashed
rips up my heart,leaves an unfading hole

Those silent screams, those twisted dreams
Do you not see them in my eyes?
Have you now turned a stranger
or has it always been lies?

Lost at sea, no sign of shore
sneering at me, O' ghosts of my past.
If only you could bring to me
a glimpse, a touch, a smile perhaps,
Anything that would help me last....

Friday, March 13, 2009

" You have a dick. Realize what it is and get over it"
-Source Unknown

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Living Lies...

I hate narcissistic people. It's a good thing to love yourself. But there is something called too much of it no? Wonder if the "love makes you blind" holds true for these people too.

It's only disgusting to see people crown themselves and sit high on a self-proclaimed pedestal.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Graduation Fear

Time flew by so fast....I'm already down to my last semester...and today it has dawned upon me that I actually AM so close to fulfilling a major dream of my life. A myriad of emotions, doubts, haziness, disbelief trespass my happy space. I'd always thought I'm a person who enjoys life as it comes, but that seems so farcical at this moment. People struggle to make dreams come true and I am at the verge of completing a couple of my dreams and yet have not given the accomplishment its deserved status. And it's not my accomplishment alone. Mom and Dad had a vision for me which I saw everyday of my life. It is theirs. S made breakthrough decisions which made that vision possible. It is his. I'm humbled. By the magnitude of the person I've become from what I was, and by the faith that people have showed in me that I haven't myself and by HOW SO MUCH I've achieved in life so far. Satisfaction and happiness at the end of the day. And love and gratitude... :)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Long time no blog...

Obama rules in aMerIca..rOacHes rule here...
While I wait to say goodbye to my pested friends..I sit here and dream ..
of peace..oceans...panipuri..couch.. and TV with no one to fight for the remote.
Needless to say..regular supply of good food comes with the package.
Hope & peace to all.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Calvin sez....

‘I find life is a lot easier the lower I keep everyone’s expectations.’

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hyd to Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow,,,after a long time...and from a different continent. Not that there was much to be written about earlier :P.
Love the place, the crowds, and the ironic silence. Had a lot of expectations from this changed environment, some came true, some didn't. Dealing with it. Oh and yes, saw my first snow.... unexplainable feeling.
Let's write a bit about our journey from Hyderabad to Chicago. Started with the inevitable family goodbye..(I do miss them...a lot),,, and my mom feeling more scared than I was (do they all graduate from the same school of motherhood or what?) and asking me to not go instead! But alas! determined that I was... I set off. On a mindless expedition. After the maze of formalities, finally (phew!) reached my seat to find an old lady sitting in my (WINDOW!) seat.
Me: Umm.. excuse me,,,, I think you're sitting in my seat?
Old Aunt (O.A) : What, no,,, you check your ticket properly.
Me: I did,,and I'm sure...
O.A : (checks) Oh ya right,,, sorry paapa (grrrrr...im 24) ... (in Telugu) I'll sit here for a while if you dont mind. Whenever you want to move, just tell me, we'll switch.
Me: (to myself) aaaah I love window seats
(to her) Oh no problem auntie... its OK

Then a tirade of predictable conversations,,, how what when where why etc....
I am also going for the first time, can you ask the "WAITER" to get me some coffee? Beta, can you ....blah blah blah blah blah ......
Finally managed to fall asleep (Did I mention her spilling coffee on me and me needing to change...**&&%$**)
and got up only when there was half an hour left to land... Shucks... it looks awesome,,, i wana look out the window....Its my seat after all...Should I wake her up? Its rude..... Hmmmmmm
Me: Auntie,,, do you mind if I sit on my seat?
O.A : you ARE sitting on your seat only no,,,why should I mind,,,sit wherever you want....You know,,,once my daughter was .....
aargh,,,,snore snore snore.....(edited)

Then got off at Frankfurt.,,,its a real sexy airport. The trains to different terminals, the glamour, and O.A following me everywhere. Finally managed to shake her off my course by an incredibly looooooooooong time in the restroom ;) . Didn't have to wait much luckily for the next flight. Well, hopefully this will be a good one? Yay! another window seat...wow, its my lucky day ain't it?
Uh Oh whats that?
Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
no,,, itssssssssssss
another Telugu Talli (mom) on my seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To get an abridged version of my flight from Frankfurt to Chicago, please go to the top and read the first description again. (Kill me, i'm dead)

What happened on that plane? What happened to Navisa after that? Did she survive? For all the ever popular juicy (Soapy ?) details, watch out for our next episode.