Friday, October 20, 2006

Unbearable Silence

Animal Slaughter – Why are we silent?

Our constitution and laws have enough provisions for animal protection and their conservation. Still defying all these provisions shamelessly, countless camels and cows continue to be brought into Hyderabad this Ramzan season for being slaughtered. The holy month of Ramzan certainly does not advise for it. Yet, why are the social organizations, religious ‘celebrities’ (busy selling their spirituality on media) and the law protectors silent on this smuggling and sin to humanity and mankind? Our misguided civilization appears not to be bothered about the dangers it is creating for its own survival in future after the elimination of our rich and varied animal wealth.

Why are we silent?

A common individual like me and many more who witnessed such incidents are deeply pained but cannot do much except awakening a few more through write ups like these. There are more than 250 organizations working for social service and welfare but still nothing concrete is done for the cause. Are we really committed to the cause? I hereby request one and all to do whatsoever in their capacity to the cause of animal protection and conservation and serve them better by

1. Sending an appeal to the government authorities to act as per law to protect them.
2. Advising yourself and people around you to avoid eating meat of useful animals.
3. Lodging a complaint with competent authorities whenever you come across such cases of animals being smuggled.
4. Awakening the Media, leaders, gurus and social organizations, government authorities who are perhaps literally “sleeping over” this most serious issue.