Supposed procedure of shopping :
- Decide on what you want/need/blah.
- Go to place where you find it.
- Buy the thing.
- Get out and get done with it.
What Women do???
- Make a list of what they want.
- Identify a target/location (read 10 different stores with probably the same variety).
- Take extra cash along "just incase they find something nice to pick up....(alarm bells ringing at this point)
- Reach the place. Decide where to start attack from.
- Okie- first shop? lets see what you have by one the haggled men parade "their goods".
- The women set aside what they like and then start looking at other things.
- Involves a long procedure further I find too emotionally stressful to describe.
- Also select almost everything not on their list.....!!!!!
- When everything is selected, they haggle over the price.
- Since it is an insult to buy it at one go, so they fight over the price and leave the shop.
- Same procedure in another shop.
- The looped program continues in other stores too.
- Finally end up buying the stuff at the same first shop.
My point is "WHY?"
My woe?
With my wedding round the corner and loadsa shopping to do,,, I dont know how I'm going to survive the catastrophe...
P.S. : Not all women are the same....example??? ME!!!!!
P.S2 : Me off to my soul spa...Auroville,,,be back in a month with loadsa blah......