Tuesday, April 10, 2007

amchi mumbai...

Blah and a half.....

A week long fiasco in the fugly city...(no offence)

Mindless speeds, the city just never stops. The crowded local trains, the arrogant bhikaris, the humble autowallahs ( a rare specimen here, you see....), the weeklong gastronomical delights limited to some of the best sev puris and wada pavs and pav bhajis.

Incessant noise and pollution, never a moment of silence with yourself, the city of dreams as well as the city with Dharavi.

The amazing and admirable and efficient public transport system,,,seriously, I think its gr8.

And if you follow the logo "Shop till you drop" for seven days in a row, by the end of it, you end up crashing ala sleeping beauty only with no hopes of any prince charming around.

I'm glad its over.

Tomorrow begins my week long shopping adventure in Bangalore. Happy and excited, for reasons not even remotely related to shopping.... :)

Blah blah blah, ciao.......