Saturday, February 17, 2007

RL kept me away :( but also got me back..

Real life has just got to me to such an extent that I had to come here to vent myself out.
Its just amazing how your teeny tiny brain can retain sooo much information and feelings and knowledge. Doesnt it overwhelm any of you? I need to slow down once in a while and take stock of my highly dramatic emotional standards. So right now going through one of them......

Relationships......where do I stand? Im in the way of putting some on hold and Starting a whole new jargon of them which are gonna direct my life hitherto.... Freaking me out!!!
Have left so many people behind.....and moved on. left so many things behind which mattered a lot. Have found new things and people but is it justice to the ones not with me now?
Is it justice to me?
I resent changes, for the sole emotional pressure and havoc they bring along with them.

Life changes every second, so we have to move along with it. Then why do we invest so many emotions in people and things we are not sure will stay with us our entire life?

Well,, I myself cannot make any sense out of my random thoughts, so dont expect you to either....
Will be back with more positive and regular blogs.